What I look for and my rating system

Makeup is such a personal thing. Everyone has their own preferences, whether that’d be based on their skin type, what they want to cover up, or the finish they are trying to achieve (matte, dewy, satin, out of this world). If I want to do makeup reviews, I understand that while a product may work for me, it may not be the same for someone else. The same goes for concealer. Because of this, I try to first rate products with a system that I call “S.T.A.R.” After this I will then personally review the product for anyone who may have the same skin type as me, or if they just want to know my thoughts on it. And lastly, I will include an ingredient list and other information that I feel is important to know. For reference, I have oily and acne-prone skin, (just a benefit of being a hormonal teenager) with a warm medium skin tone.

What is “S.T.A.R.”?

Named after the theme of my blog, I made this system to rate a product effectively and (hopefully) without bias. If you just want to be able to quickly skim the major info, this is what I would read. This is what it stands for:

S : Satur(n)ation. Hah. Okay I’ll stop now. Anyways, saturation just refers to the coverage and finish of the product. Was it high coverage? Low? Can I even see it on my face? Does it glow to the heavens or is it a flat-matte?

: Texture, or the feel of the product. For example, with concealer, I may say that it emphasized the texture of dry patches, or felt excessively heavy. Was it creamier than a non-dairy ice-cream?

A : Application. Was it hard to blend out? Did it smell funny? Brush or sponge?

R :  Reliability. How long-lasting is it? Did it oxidize? Did the coverage wear off? Does oil break it down?

Each component of S.T.A.R. is rated on a five-point system. So the highest score a product can get is a five from all four categories, or 20 points.

Other Review Shenanigans:

If you stick around long enough to read my personal review then there is also an ingredient list as well. Even though the brands I am reviewing are natural, I think it is always important to “stay woke” no matter what brand you are using. If there are any really long ingredients within the list that may cause concern, google has got our backs and I will list the ingredient description below.

I promise to offer a honest review because I know (as someone who is still transitioning) that the galaxy of green beauty can sometimes seem impossible to navigate.  If you have any more in-depth questions about any product or anything green beauty related, feel free to hit-me-up in the comment section below. I read and reply to everything- pinky swear! Alrighty then cadets, to infinity… and beyond!

-The Green Astronaut